Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Poem-Little Man Sitting In A Box

Little man sitting in a box,
  all dressed in white and purple.

A light shines under the door,
  Beckoning all to come hither.

The darkened lonely broken, and guilty come to the light.
  In coldness of their guilt they come to the warmth of the light.

Walking into the box,
  all bend over and condemned,
They are immersed in the celestial light of God's forgiveness.

As the Act of Contrition is spoken,
  the light of forgiveness grows brighter and brighter.

The little man in the box,
  hears all the words that are spoken.

As the light gets brighter and brighter,
  all darkness is dispelled.  So that all that can be seen is the Light of His Presence.

In this place a metamorphosis takes place
  as the little man in the box says, "I absolve you in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy

No longer dark, lonely, broken or bend over,
  but out they come standing straight in celestal light.

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