Saturday, November 25, 2006

Thanks to Steve Sjogren

I want to thank Steve Sjogren (pictured at left) for his encouragement to write. I know that I have many things inside of me to say. But too many times I think nobody wants to hear what I have to say or it's not good enough.

Since I have begun this blog, it has surprised me the number of people who have made comments about the blog - friends, fellow priests, and people I don't even know. It seems that there are people who will read what I write and some even enjoy it.

Never give up on the dream (writing was my dream). Don't talk yourself out of it. If you listen to that voice long enough you will never live out the dream. Just go for it.

Check out Steve's websites - Outward Buzz , Growing Edge Buzz, Servant Evangelism, and Coastland Tampa.

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