Wednesday, January 17, 2007

First Coaching Session

Last week I had my first ever coaching session. What an experience! Steve Sjogren, founding pastor of Vineyard Community Church in Cincinnati and founding pastor of a new church launch in Tampa called Coastland Tampa, was my coach. I had an hour long call with about 7 others on communication - speaking and writing.

It was a really good experience for me to have someone with the background in speaking, writing, and church planting that Steve has to speak into my life. I received a lot of very practical things to take back to St. Andrew's and apply.

I would like to continue coaching sessions with Steve. So please pray with me for the funds to do so. We are a small church and it is not in our budget to do this now. I really believe that it is a key for our growth as a community as well as my growth as a leader. If you would like to talk to me about this please email me at

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