Wednesday, November 29, 2006

What An Eye Opener!

I have been having some knee pain for some time now. I just kept saying it was an old football injury. Well, this past Monday I went to see my orthopedic surgeon to finally take care of the problem. During the exam, I thought that the headlines on the St. Augustine Record on Tuesday would read - "Priest Hurts Doctor During Exam". To say the least, my doctor discovered the source of pain and created even more. So, the testing process begins with an MRI and what ever else is needed.

The eye opener were his words to me, "If you don't do something about your weight you are headed for knee replacement in the future". That may not mean a lot for some, because it is done every day. But to me it was the "last straw that broke the camels back." For months and months I felt that God was telling me to do something about my weight. I would hear this "word" and say yes Lord I know but continue my bad habits. As a bi-vocational pastor, it's easy to let bad eating and bad exercise habits continue. You are always running from here to there. You work all day at one job to come home to the ministry and start all over again. It's easy to drive through and get some fast food and give an excuse not to exercise. But the realization for me and hopefully for others is - it is killing us.

What good are we going to be with our church plants, churches, and our people if we eat ourselves to death? The enemy of our soul doesn't need to take us out, we are doing it to ourselves.

Well for me, I had already decided that it was time to become disciplined in this area of my life. Between God speaking and the doctor's report, it's hitting home. But the most important thing was my beautiful almost 5 year old saying, "Daddy, I want you to be smaller so you can play with me on the playground". Want to talk about ripping your heart out. As I think about putting the food in my mouth I have to remember her face and her words.

I know that this has been really personal and it's been hard to say this, but I know that there are others in the same situation. Know that we can become healthy and live for years to build the Kingdom. Let's go for it!!


Anonymous said...

Ok FJ, what do we do? I have already decided that since Advent is a penitential season I will do a partial fast (like a diet but with a spiritual intention). Of course it also has a physical intention. Why don't we encourage one another through Advent and see how we do? If you ever join a gym you find it is very crowded just after Jan 1. All those good intentions are usually useless. Our intention can be offered for a variety of intercessions. If we walk together (virtually) through Advent maybe we can be successful. What do you think? FM+

Anonymous said...

Try going to a Lindora Center. - this works.