I have been reading this book by Mark Batterson - Lead Pastor of National Community Church in Washington D.C. I came across this today. Ted Loder wrote this piece called Guerillas of Grace.
"How shall I pray? Are tears prayers, Lord? Are screams prayers, or groans or sighs or curses? Can trembling hands be lifted to you, or clenched fists or the cold sweat that trickles down my back or the cramps that knot my stomach? Will you accept my prayer, Lord, my real prayers, rooted in the muck and mud and rock of my life, and not just the pretty, cut-flower, gracefully arranged bouquet of words? Will you accept me, Lord, as I really am, messed up mixture of glory and grime?"
Can you relate to that? When I first read it, I was saying that's me. God hears us in our best times but more importantly in our worst times. Recently another priest had a prophetic word for me. He told me many things that no one would have known. One thing he told me was that God had heard me crying out to Him. Even the times that I was screaming at the heavens. He went on to tell me that the Father was happy because there was passion in my crying out to Him.
Go ahead and scream! God already knows that you want to. He doesn't have a problem with it. Our religious mind is where the problem is. Look at David in the Psalms. We read every type of emotion. It's o.k. Stop being so uptight about it all.
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