Friday, November 30, 2007
A Though for Advent-The Coming of the Lord
As we move into this season of Advent we are reminded that it is a time of preparing for the "coming of the Lord." We remember the coming of the Lord as the babe in the manager, but there is another coming of the Lord that we can prepare for. This is the "coming of the Lord" in the Eucharist. Every time we come to the Altar to receive the Body and Blood of Jesus in the Holy Eucharist we receive Jesus. Jesus said in St. John that this IS my body and blood.
So as we come to the table of the Lord to receive the sacrament, let us come with a renewed sense of meeting Jesus and receiving Him.
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Monday, November 26, 2007
Advent - The Coming of the Kingdom
This coming Sunday is a very special day on the Church calendar. It is the first Sunday of the Season of Advent and the beginning of the new liturgical year. Happy New Year!
I believe that Advent is probably my favorite season of the church year. It is a blended season - a mixture of hope, repentance, and joy. In this season we look back at Jesus' first advent when He came as the babe in the manger. But we also look ahead to His second coming and the establishing of His kingdom in its fullness. Meanwhile, Christ comes to all who are willing to receive Him.
Over the next weeks I will post thoughts about the season of Advent. So, check back from time to time. But there is one truth that we must begin to embrace if we are to have the impact on the world around us.
That truth is that the kingdom of God has already come and it is coming. Now I know that sounds like double talk but it is not. Let me explain. When Jesus came in the first advent his kingdom came to earth. His rule and reign is already established. So as we go about doing good and sharing the Gospel in real ways, His kingdom is expanded.
There is another part of this in that when Christ comes in His second coming it will be the consummation of all things and His kingdom will be made real in its fullness.
One problem that many Christ-followers have is they are just waiting for the second coming. They are ready to escape the world. But that was not the message that Jesus taught. He wants us right in the middle of the world sharing the love of the Father with all those around. So stop just looking for an escape and begin to expand the kingdom of God through your service to others this Advent Season.
Prayer of the Week
Almighty and everlasting God, whose will it is to restore all
things in your well-beloved Son, the King of kings and Lord of
lords: Mercifully grant that the peoples of the earth, divided
and enslaved by sin, may be freed and brought together
under his most gracious rule; who lives and reigns with you
and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen.
The Power of God's Pleasure by Steve Sjogren
This is written by Steve Sjogren -Senior Leader at Coastland Tampa. This and other articles can be found at
All of us have gifts, whether we know Christ or not.
I have found that one of the most powerful ways to lead people toward Christ is to give them a chance to use their gifts in serving others. In using their gifts they will experience, to borrow a famous idea from the film Chariots of Fire, “the pleasure of God.”
We would generally agree that leading people away from strange views and perspectives to a scriptural view of Jesus is extremely difficult. Once people have given themselves to a “cultic” view of Jesus, it is difficult to find their way back to a clear-cut biblical view of him.
Yet I have seen a number of Mormons and Jehovah’s Witnesses, both of those groups believe in the Arian view of Christ that he was only man and not God, come to a saving relationship with Christ through using their gifts to serve others.
Early on in my stint as a leader there was no way that I would have allowed a non-believer any shot at serving along side of other believers. But then along came a handful of Mormons who initially said they were interested in caring for those in need. Could they help in giving groceries and clothes away? After thinking it through we said they could, but they had to be paired up with older, mature believers who were grounded in the faith.
Take a guess at what happened. Within a month, as these theologically-confused people experienced the presence of God flowing through them, the very touch of the Holy Spirit for the first time in their lives, they asked dozens of questions of us, clarifying questions about who Jesus was, his power, who he really was. It was only a matter of a few weeks until they all came to Christ. That’s how powerful this sense of God’s pleasure is! Hebrews 11:6 makes it clear that faith please God. Essentially, we are allowing people to "play" at even the most basic levels of their faith. Stepping out and making that "dormant" faith kinetic causes them to sense the pleasure of God - perhaps for the very first time. People begin to grow from faith to faith. We get hooked on making Jesus smile and we just don’t want to quit!
The moral of the story is: Encourage your people to step out into the realm of risk with their unique gifts. God will use them. They will no doubt feel and see the results of God’s kingdom in the wake of stepping out of their zone of safety. Their great desire is to change lives around them. The good news is this is God’s goal as well.
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Solemnity of Christ the King
Today was the Solemnity of Christ the King on the church calendar. I was really upset today because we had to cancel Mass. Yesterday I went to the ER after a couple of days of being in lots of pain, having chills and a fever. After all the tests the conclusion is I have an infection and was given IV antibiotics and put on 10 days of oral antibiotics. Because of the sickness, still being very weak, and not having any one else to take over, we had to cancel the Mass.
I love to preach on Christ the King because it is a day that we are reminded that Christ is King over everything. It does not matter what things may look like at the present - Christ is still in charge. This day reminds us of His kingly right over the minds, hearts, and wills of human beings so that they will be able to overcome all that comes against them.
"Jesus was anointed by the Father with the oil of gladness as the Eternal Priest and Universal King. As priest He offered His life on the altar of the cross and redeemed the human race by this one perfect sacrifice of peace. As King, He claims dominion over all creation, that He may present to the Almighty Father a kingdom of truth and life, a kingdom of holiness and grace, and kingdom of justice, love, and peace. Amen."
I love to preach on Christ the King because it is a day that we are reminded that Christ is King over everything. It does not matter what things may look like at the present - Christ is still in charge. This day reminds us of His kingly right over the minds, hearts, and wills of human beings so that they will be able to overcome all that comes against them.
"Jesus was anointed by the Father with the oil of gladness as the Eternal Priest and Universal King. As priest He offered His life on the altar of the cross and redeemed the human race by this one perfect sacrifice of peace. As King, He claims dominion over all creation, that He may present to the Almighty Father a kingdom of truth and life, a kingdom of holiness and grace, and kingdom of justice, love, and peace. Amen."
Real Hero
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Happy Thanksgiving
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Pictures from Five Guys Fundraiser
Sunday, November 18, 2007
It's Amazing What A Little Piece of Plastic Can Do
This past Friday night Christ the Deliverer had a fundraiser at Five Guys Famous Burgers and Fries. (I will post about that later this week with some pictures.) As I was standing by our table this man walked over to me and asked if I was a Catholic priest. I explained to him I was but not Roman Catholic. As we talked, he told me about his 2 1/2 year old little girl who is fighting cancer. As a father of 2 little girls, I cannot even imagine his grief and pain. We talked for a while and I gave him my card. He is only in the area for about 5 weeks. Before he left I was able to pray for him and his precious daughter.
Please pray for Madison. He calls her Maddie. She is undergoing treatment at the present time in Jacksonville. God bring your healing grace to bear upon her little body and let every cancer cell die.
If I had not been wearing my clergy shirt with the "little piece of plastic" this man would have never seen me or received prayer that night in the middle of Five Guys Burgers and Fries.
Please pray for Madison. He calls her Maddie. She is undergoing treatment at the present time in Jacksonville. God bring your healing grace to bear upon her little body and let every cancer cell die.
If I had not been wearing my clergy shirt with the "little piece of plastic" this man would have never seen me or received prayer that night in the middle of Five Guys Burgers and Fries.
Prayer of the Week
Blessed Lord, who caused all holy Scriptures to be written for
our learning: Grant us so to hear them, read, mark, learn,
and inwardly digest them, that we may embrace and ever
hold fast the blessed hope of everlasting life, which you have
given us in our Savior Jesus Christ; who lives and reigns with
you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Fundraiser at Five Guys Bugers and Fries This Friday
Christ the Deliverer
Invites you to
(located in the Cobblestone Shopping Center)
Friday, November 16, 2007
Between the hours of 4:00 p.m. & 10:00 p.m.
A portion of the proceeds will be
donated to Christ the Deliverer.
So come out, enjoy the best burger in
St. Augustine, and be sure to mention that you’re there to support Christ the Deliverer.
For more information, please call 540-1624.
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Pray for Abp. Guillermo Pacheco's Father
Please pray for Archbishop Guillermo Pacheco's father - Elias Jose'. He recently had a heart attack. Abp. Pacheco says he is strong but has asked for prayer for healing. (Archbishop Pacheco is the Primate for the Catholic Apostolic Church in Columbia)
Sunday, November 04, 2007
Prayer for Bishop Kenneth Myers
Almighty and everlasting God, from whom cometh every
good and perfect gift: Send down upon our bishop, Kenneth, and
other clergy, and upon the congregations committed to their
charge, the healthful Spirit of thy grace; and, that they may
truly please thee, pour upon them the continual dew of thy
blessing. Grant this, O Lord, for the honor of our Advocate
and Mediator, Jesus Christ. Amen.
Prayer of the Week
Saturday, November 03, 2007
We Did Not Found Another Church
(This is an article from concerning the consecration of Eduardo Aguirre in Guatamla. There are some misspellings due to the translation software.)
"we did not found another church" Brazilian church endorses to Eduardo Aguirre By: Palencia Gem
Josivaldo Pereira, president of the Episcopal Council of the Brazilian Church, next to Eduardo Aguirre, to whom will order bishop. (Photo PL: Emerson Diaz).
Communitarian Journalism
Ten bishops of the denominated Brazilian church insisted on which its movement is not outside the Catholic Church, and showed yesterday to their support Eduardo Aguirre, excomulgado priest, to whom they will order bishop.
The prelates, who before were compatible to the Vatican, insisted on which they have not come to Guatemala to found a new church, but which they restore the church of the first Christians, in that the communities were independent. But the Catholic Church of Guatemala considers that that movement is a schism.
Apostolic succession
"we do not come to found a church, we come to transmit (to Aguirre) the apostolic succession to him, so that it can take care of the poor men", Josivaldo Pereira De Oliveira said, president of the episcopal advice of the Brazilian church, in press conference, a residence of zone 10.
They emphasized that the sacraments that they administer have validity, in spite of the opinion of the Vatican, and declared: "they are not property of Rome".
It added that they are open to the dialogue with all the churches that have like foundation to Christ and the love to the others.
Manoel Jose Gives Rocha, bishop of Foz d'Iguaçu, indicated that in Guatemala they attend historical a little while, with the consolidation of the movement of Aguirre. "he is not a traitor; it only wants to preach, and history will make justice ", assured.
It remembered that when the founder of his church, Carlos Duarte, separated of Rome in 1945, was described as treasonous, and now it is respected in Brazil.
"We come to say that the church of has a way without so many problems here, without so many obstacles, so that they can arrive", it exposed.
Historical tradition
Aguirre responded to the accusations of the Catholic Church to confuse the population. It expressed that its movement is based on the historical tradition, which rejects the Episcopal Conference of Guatemala.
It added that with time one will see if its movement continues, and this will determine if it is of God. The monks count on police protection, since he is afraid that he can have disturbances the next Saturday, in San Juan Comalapa, Chimaltenango, for when the episcopal arrangement of Aguirre is predicted.
Who are?
The Brazilian church was founded on 1945 by Carlos Duarte Coast.
They integrate 53 bishops, 300 priests and approximately 500 thousand faithfuls.
They have presence in Argentina, Colombia, Costa Rica, Mexico, Canada, Great Britain, France, Spain, Czech Republic, the Philippines and Tanzania.
They insist on the rejection
Alvaro Ramazzini, president of the Episcopal Conference of Guatemala, insisted on which the movement of Aguirre cannot be catholic nor to consider just like the Church of Rome.
"he could never be the same if they do not recognize the Pope", Ramazzini, that insisted on which their affirmations do not fit with the doctrine of the Catholic Church, Apostolic and Roman, founded by Jesus Christ said.
"To deny the function and the presence of the papado one he is to deny the authenticity of the New Testament", affirmed.
Ramazzini questioned the interest of the priest Eduardo Aguirre by the comunión, when it was not arranged to engage in a dialog with the Catholic Church. It explained that it acted without the authorization of the bishops, without trying to speak with them.
Thursday, November 01, 2007
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